Serving the campus of the University of Alabama since 1894

The Crimson White

Serving the campus of the University of Alabama since 1894

The Crimson White

Serving the campus of the University of Alabama since 1894

The Crimson White

    How to wear statement pieces

    Despite their popularity, statement pieces can be intimidating. Here are a few tips to give you the confidence to wear that statement piece you have been eyeing.

    To those novices with statement pieces, start with a neutral color. Blacks, whites and crystal-colored gems are great for dipping your toes in the water. Pair these with plain T-shirts or a little black dress. Try not to pair more than one statement piece to an outfit. People won’t know where to look, and that’s probably not the statement you’re trying to make.

    For those familiar to the statement game who want to go bigger and bolder, try a multicolored piece with something simple. Mix single-colored pieces with louder prints, which means you can wear a bright necklace with a striped shirt to spice up the look. The latest trend in statement necklaces is the bib, or collared, style. To experiment with the trend, place a bib necklace under the collar of a polished oxford shirt for a chic feel.

    To buy your first or next statement piece, is a great place to start. They have the latest trends and offer free shipping. When trying out statement jewelry, remember to keep the style unique no matter what the trends are, and in time you will figure out what to mix and match.

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