Serving the campus of the University of Alabama since 1894

The Crimson White

Serving the campus of the University of Alabama since 1894

The Crimson White

Serving the campus of the University of Alabama since 1894

The Crimson White

    New App links college students together

    Social networks are huge, linking hundreds of thousands of people together every day from around the world, but few focus on building a stronger community among its users. A new app called MXO Interests released just months ago is bringing college students together through a shared message board experience.

    MXO Interests is exclusive to those with university emails, creating a sense of exclusivity and narrowing it down to the student population. Users simply create their account by filling in the standard username, password and photo fields but the app wants to know about you. Using an algorithm based on your defined interests, major, and other info such as clubs or Greek association, MXO Interests matches you with close-by students or even students from other universities in what’s known as “My Mix.”

    One of the defining features of the app comes from its message board layout. By clicking the MXO button in the bottom middle of the screen, you’re taken to the message board, where you can post a memo specifically to other UA students. This opens up a possibility to post tutoring bulletins, plan parties or simply  strike up a conversation with others. In the upper right hand corner of the MXO bulletin board screen, you can also post to students all over the United States.

    Ethan Weinstein, co-founder of MXO Interests, said, “[Students can expect] an opportunity to post an announcement to their entire university. MXO will replace the need for all of the bulletin boards located throughout college campuses and make it easier for students to connect with other students at their campus.”

    Currently, there are five possibilities for interests: Double Date, Drinks, Greek Life, Party, and Tutoring. These interests play a large part into matching you with others, and any changes to even basic info such as your major or club affiliation modifies “My Mix.” While these interests narrow down the pool of students into specific fields of relatability, students can privately message each other for a more open experience. MXO also encourages its users to provide feedback for future updates.

    “We want to create an app by the students, so we listen to what the students want and adjust the app,” said Weinstein.

    MXO Interests had a small user base in my short time using the application, but this was primarily due to the app’s recent release date. The app is currently available for free in the iOS App Store, but the company is currently working towards creating versions for other devices.

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