Artist discusses inspiration for local piece


Jared Ferguson, Contributing Writer

Art is a phenomenon that draws in numerous people from all walks of life, and recently, a new piece was added to Snow Hinton Park.

The piece, known as Kaleidoscope, resembles that of the titular optical tool by the same name. As such, it can be used in the same manner by those who wish to see the world through a more symmetrical view of the sky.

The statue was created by Eric Nubbe, an artist who specializes in creating metal sculptures.

Nubbe discussed the process for the piece’s inception.

“I was visiting an old town in New Mexico, and they happened to have a high-end kaleidoscope store,” Nubbe said. “It is a different idea to have a piece of art that is both form and function merged together. From there, it was just trying to develop an idea around a kaleidoscope, which went through several iterations.”

Nubbe also discussed the inspiration for the piece.

“It stems from the interest I have in navigation,” Nubbe said. “Things like compasses and sextants are the basis for that.”

Nubbe is a University of Alabama art alumnus who was able to have his statue installed at the park by those involved in the University’s art program. Nubbe’s other pieces are founded on the use of 3D technology..

“Kaleidoscope” is actually the first in Nubbe’s new body of work in the field of creating art based on navigational equipment. Nubbe plans to make more pieces resembling items such as compasses and sextants in the near future.

Other pieces, in addition to Kaleidoscope, were paid for by the Tuscaloosa County Park & Recreation Authority (PARA). The statue is also the second piece of art commissioned by PARA, the first being a group of giant metal flowers that were created by student artists Ringo Lisko and Amber Daum, located in Monnish Park. PARA’s works have generally been in collaboration with the Arts & Humanities Council of Tuscaloosa.


“Kaleidoscope” can be found in the northwest section of Snow Hinton Park. Snow Hinton Park is located at 1000 Hargrove Rd E. Those who are interested in viewing new pieces of art are encouraged to view this statue along with others commissioned by PARA.