Movie Review: Happy Death Day 2U sets new standards on camp appeal


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Jared Ferguson, Contributing Writer

The blending of the horror and comedy genres can be a polarizing experiment in that the product can either be a self-aware classic like “Scream” or an incredible refuge in absurdity like “Happy Death 2U.”

The plot of the film centers around Tree, a young woman who finds herself trapped in a time loop like that of the comedy “Groundhog Day,” which is triggered by her death each recurring day. However, there is a twist in that the time loop becomes an alternate reality where her former late mother is alive and well. The main focus of the film is that Tree is faced with a sadistic choice after fixing the loop on whether to stay in the new timeline with her mother but living with the deaths caused by a mysterious killer, or return to her original time where her mother remains deceased but the killer is stopped and she can be with the man of her dreams.

“Happy Death Day 2U” has a premise that, on paper, sounds like it would be an incredible dramatic piece about sacrifice and letting go of the past, but,this is only partially the case. While the film certainly has a thread of excellent drama, it is ultimately overshadowed by a substantial abundance of comedic antics centered around the absurdity of being trapped in an infinite time loop where mortality and lasting consequences frankly do not exist. This leads to
a horror comedy that has a glaring imbalance of comedic elements that the actual drama comes off as out of place and unnatural, despite it being handled well on its own.

Considering that the film is primarily centered around comedy, one must question whether it succeeds in that regard. The answer is that, while the film certainly has its hysterical moments, there are points where the film becomes dangerously self-aware of its ridiculous premise and tries harder than it should to make the comedy work, which leads to numerous cringeworthy moments that are more embarrassing for the actors involved than humorous to the audience. This creates a comedy that is hysterical when it hits the mark but is obnoxious when it fails.

When discussing the dramatic elements of the film, this area is when the film is at its peak. The base idea of having to move on from the past and embrace a new life is a relatable concept, which leads to a few tear-jerker moments between Tree and her mother where the former realizes that she cannot live a life that was not meant to last, no matter how painful that idea is to accept.

In terms of performances, the cast makes the most of the ridiculous script, but they shine the most in the few dramatic scenes in the film. An honorable mention is reserved for Jessica Rothe, who plays the character of Tree in a sympathetic and often humorous light that makes her character likable for the setting.

“Happy Death Day 2U” is an interesting film to discuss in that it is difficult to recommend a viewing since its style is polarizing for many audiences. If one is looking for a film that has a decent balance of horror and comedy that is memorable past first viewing, they will be disappointed by this product. However, if one is looking for a decent piece of entertainment that does not take it itself that seriously, then this film is highly recommended.