Greek professor to lecture on globalization and democracy


Andrew Littlejohn, Contributing Writer

Angelos Papageorgiou, professor of political science at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, will give a talk titled “We the People, but Which People?” on March 27.

Who: Papageorgiou is the speaker, and the lecture is open to the public.

What: A lecture will be given on democracy and globalization and how immigrants fit into it, and a Q&A period will follow.

When: Thursday, March 27 at 3:30 p.m.

Where: Amelia Gorgas Library Room 205


“It’s important to discuss the pros and cons of immigration, democracy and globalization,” said Tatiana Tsakiropoulou-Summers, associate professor of classics in the Department of Modern Languages and Classics. “How are immigrants going to fit in it?”